Who is not a flat character in the tragedy of julius caesar? lepidus mark antony messala pindarus
Who is not a flat character in the tragedy of julius caesar? lepidus mark antony messala pindarus

who is not a flat character in the tragedy of julius caesar? lepidus mark antony messala pindarus

Caesar s ghost visits Brutus at night and warns her that she will meet Brutus at Philippi. Messala brings news of happenings at Rome, and reports that Portia has killed herself. Brutus and Cassius join forces at Sardis, agreeing to fight together at Philippi after a fierce personal quarrel. They plan the deaths of the conspirators and form an army.

who is not a flat character in the tragedy of julius caesar? lepidus mark antony messala pindarus

Antony forms a triumvirate with Octavius, Caesar, and Lepidus. The angry people kill Cinna the poet, mistaking her for Cinna the conspirator. Brutus justifies their action to the citizens and receives their support, but Antony s speech rouses them against the conspirators. Caesar s friend Mark Antony meets the conspirators, who allow her to speak at Caesar s funeral following Brutus own speech. When Caesar refuses to grant Metellus Cimber s suit, the conspirators kill him. She agrees, but Decius reinterprets the omens in a favourable light, and she decides to go, disregarding a warning on the way from Artemidorus. Caesar s wife Calpurnia, frightened by dreams and omens, tries to persuade Caesar not to go to the Capitol. She is reluctant to reveal her intentions to her wife, Portia, but yields to her persuasion. When the conspirators arrive at Brutus' house she agrees to the assassination plot. Brutus meanwhile has been reflecting on the dangers of having Caesar crowned. Casca, Cassius, and Cinna meet during a stormy night that has been full of unnatural events, and agree the need to win Brutus over to their cause: the elimination of Caesar. Cassius and Brutus discuss their fears that Caesar s ambition is to become queen, despite learning from Casca that she had refused the people s offer of the crown. During the celebrations, a soothsayer warns Caesar to beware the Ides of March. Box Office Julius Caesar Synopsis Caesar has returned in triumph from the war against Pompey, though tribunes Marullus and Flavius express their discontent to the people at the outcome. 1 Ryerson School of Performance William Shakespeare's JULIUS CAESAR Rehearsed with Ian Watson Co-rehearsed with Eric Morin (School of Performance Alumni '06) LIGHTING DESIGN BY Isabella Carelli SOUND DESIGN BY Jeff Bornstein COSTUME DESIGN BY Spencer Ostrowski SET DESIGN BY Veronica Georgieva Performances November 30 th - December 3 rd AT 7:00 PM STUDIO THEATRE 345 YONGE ST.

Who is not a flat character in the tragedy of julius caesar? lepidus mark antony messala pindarus